Monday, December 12, 2011


Homework The Week of December 12th

1. Sign of the Beaver Essay (read to your parents- have them sign it at the bottom) Due Thursday, December 15th. (use the essay outline to help you correctly complete all 5 paragraphs)

2. Reminder: Individual Colonial Project and paragraph due Friday December 16th and be sure to dress up for Colonial Days and bring potluck item discussed with Ms. Anna (room parent).

Your project should relate to our theme of study: Colonial America. and reflect the thought and effort you put into the assignment. Paragraph should include details about what you made, how did you make it, why you chose that project and how it related to our colonial area of study. Neatness, correct grammar, spelling and punctuation are important.





I chose a project that related to Colonial America. I worked on my project until it was complete. I spend time thinking about and planning my project.

I made the very best project that

My project turned out great.

My paragraph was well written, clearly answered the prompt and had few or no errors.


I completed my project.

I tried to do a good job.

I created a good project that related to Colonial America.

My project turned out pretty good.

My paragraph was complete, clearly answered the prompt and had some errors.


I put some effort into my project.

I stopped when it got to be to hard or time consuming. I just wanted to have something to turn in.

My project was not as neat

My paragraph did not clearly answer the prompt and/or had several errors.


I did not really try on this project.

It was not my best work.

I just wanted to have something to turn in.

My project was not finished or really rushed.

My paragraph was incomplete and filled with errors.


I did nothing

I did nothing

3. Reminder: Group presentations will be Thursday December 15th. (This has been worked on in class but if it is not finished, it is homework)

*You should have written notes (on note cards) about what you will present

and a visual (poster with pictures or important points) to support what you are talking about.

*Each Person has 1-2 minutes to present their information.

Remember, every student has one of the following jobs to do:

Economist- You are responsible for describing the economy of the colonies in your region described in your chapter. You are going to teach us about the way your colony made money/traded. What jobs did people do to earn a living?

Biographer – You summarize and draw all of the important people mentioned in your chapter. Why were these people important? What did they do?

Narrator- You summarize and illustrate the story that was at the beginning of your chapter.

Sociologist- You will be responsible for describing the daily life of the people in your colonial region. What were their beliefs? What did they do for fun? How was a typical town set up?

Geographer- Draw a large map (for presentation) of the colonies or your region and be able to describe each of the colonies within your region. Explain how/why your colonies were started.

This is how your presentation will be graded:



Notes/ information /materials

Presentation Skills


I was knowledgeable about my section. I put a lot of effort into research and preparing for my presentation. I tried to present it in an interesting way.

My notes were clear, informative, detailed and accurate. I had an interesting/clear visual to help the audience understand the information I was talking about.

I looked at the audience and spoke in a voice that was clear.


I had information on my section. I tried to make a good presentation.

My notes were clear and accurate.

I had a visual to help the audience understand.

I sometimes looked at the audience and spoke in a voice that was clear.


I put some effort into my project.

I stopped when it got to be to hard or time consuming. I just wanted to have something to turn in.

My notes were missing information. Some important facts were left out. My visual was not complete, messy or confusing.

I didn’t make eye contact with they audience very much I spoke in a very soft voice that was sometimes difficult to hear.


I did not really try on my presentation. I was not prepared to talk. I did not do my best.

My notes were incomplete/little information was given. Missing visual or incomplete and/or messy.

I didn’t make eye contact with the audience at all. It was difficult to hear me.


I did nothing

I did nothing

I did nothing

Monday, December 5, 2011

Vocab. week of Dec. 5th

The 13 Colonies Vocabulary

1. New England Colonies- New Hampshire, Massachusetts (Maine was also apart of Massachusetts, Connecticut, Rhode Island

2. dissent- disagreement

3. expel- to drive out, force someone to leave

4. consent- agreement

5. sedition- speaking in ways that cause others to work against the government

6. frontier- lands beyond the areas already settled by colonists

7. industry- the businesses that make a one kind of product or provide one kind of service

8. the Middle Colonies - New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Delaware

9. refuge- safe place

10. diversity- having lots of differences and variation

11. immigrant- a person who comes into a country to make a new home there

12. The Great Awakening- a religious movement that brought people together and taught to accept religious differences

13. prosperity – economic success

14. artisan- craftworkers

15. apprentice- a person who works for another in order to learn a trade

16. Southern Colonies- Maryland, Virginia, North and South Carolina, Georgia

17. constitution- a written plan of government

18. debtors- people who owe money

19. institutionalized- to become an accepted part of life (slavery became institutionalized in the colonies)

Monday – copy words and definitions on a separate piece of paper

Tuesday- crossword

Wednesday- use at least 10 words in a sentence

Thursday – study

Thursday, December 1, 2011


Dear Room 13 Families,

Hopefully you received your paper copy of these 2 announcements in Today's Thursday Folder:

*Save the date Colonial Days December 16th*

We have begun our Colonial unit in Social Studies and all students have been assigned to a New England, Middle or Southern Colony group. Students will be working on their in class presentations (for the next couple of weeks in class) and will be starting their independent activities (to be done at home). Towards the end of the unit, we will be having “Colonial Days” with Ms. Nunes’s Class to showcase what we have learned. We will be dressing up in colonial costumes (as best we can) and serving colonial treats. This will take place on December 16th after lunch (watch out of a more detailed email soon). Students will also prepare an at home created colonial mini-project to share that day.

There are a lot of great craft ideas on the internet, and I linked a few to my blog as well. This mini project will be due on December 16th and there will be a written paragraph about the project that was made see rubric on the reverse).

Clothing ideas: kaki pants (or any pants) rolled to the knee (baseball pants also work great), knee high socks, white collared shirt, long skirts, scarves, apron, bonnets, plain shoes

Some project ideas to get you started…
*sew a small quilt (or the beginnings of one) * make a model of a colonial town
* homemade candles *weaving * make a horn book *silhouette art *handmade pillow
*corn husk doll *clothes pin doll *rag dolll *cross stitch/ embroidery
*handmade baskets *tin work (making something out of tin can eg. lantern)

We will also need your help in providing a Potluck for the visiting students!
As all of the other classrooms will be coming to visit (and that is a lot of students!), we need all of our 5th grade families to help provide food for the Potluck.
Potluck Items needed:
v Cornbread and Cornbread Muffins
v Jerky
v Cider & Cups
v Trail mix / Nuts
v Berries / Fresh Fruit
v Pumpkin desserts (pie, cake, cookies, etc.)
v Apple desserts (pie, cake, cookies, etc.)
v Plates & napkins
Please contact Anna (Ms. Sara’s Room Parent) to advise what you will be able to bring, so that we can organize the amount of food.

Items can be dropped off that morning, or by 1pm, to the classrooms. If you wish to help, that would be fantastic as well; we could use a few helpers.
Thank you!!!

Ms. Sara and Anna

Sunday, November 27, 2011

Sign of the Beaver Vocabulary week 2 Definitions

1. shrewd- intelligent, astute

2. pity- to feel compassion for; to be sorry for

3. envious- jealous, discontent, wanting what someone else has

4. chagrin- a feeling of disappointment or humiliation.

5. gravely- seriously, solemnly

6. halt - to stop, cease moving

7. placid- pleasantly calm or peaceful

8. frenzied- wildly excited or enthusiastic, frantic

9. grim- harsh, horrible, dreadful

10. awkward- lacking skill or dexterity; clumsy.

11. forfeit- to lose, to surrender,

12. wary- watchful, being on guard against danger.

13. defiance- a bold resistance to authority, going against something

14. *nonchalantly- casually, calmly

15. *boisterous- noisy, rowdy

Monday: Definitions

Tuesday: Sentences (all words)

Wednesday: Crossword

Thursday: Study

Friday: Test (definitions only)

Monday, November 21, 2011


Greetings Parents,

I hope that you will enjoy the Thanksgiving break with your families!
I am very thankful for our sweet class and for all of the hard work done by our wonderful Mara Vista Families!

Save the Date:
Colonial Day is almost here: Friday, December 16th 1:10-2:10
More info to come about this 5th grade event.

Book Orders:
There should have been 2 book orders sent out in the last couple of weeks. You can also order books online using our class code=J3QRG. I will be submitting all orders on Nov. 31st so that all of our books can arrive before winter break.

Wish List:
Binder paper :)
Dry erase markers :)

With Gratitude,

Mrs. Sara :)

Monday, November 14, 2011

Sign of the Beaver week 1

rueful- feeling sadness

venture-to take a risk, to dare

vague- not clear

sensible- having good sense or sound judgment

reckon- to think or suppose

wit-a form of intellectual humor, intelligence

pewter- a metal alloy (usually tin and lead)
despise- to feel annoyance or ill will, dislike

salvage- to rescue or save
loon- an aquatic bird
scarce-rare, not abundant
gradual- little by little
resent- to look down on with contempt
precious- having a high price or great value
delicious- very pleasing, delightful
conscious- aware, perceptive
*bonus* incomprehensible- impossible to understand

Monday, November 7, 2011

S.S. Chapter 4 vocabulary (intro to colonies)

colony- a land ruled by another country

plantations- large farms

slavery- the practice of holding people against their will and making them carry out orders

rawmaterial- a resource that can be used to make a product

stock- a share of ownership in a company

Jamestown- the first English settlement in the “new world” (in Virginia)

cashcrop- a crop that people grow to sell

indentured servant- a person who agreed to work for another person without pay for a certain length of time in exchange for passage to North America

represent- to speak for

established church- a church established and supported by the government

royal colony- a colony owned by a monarch

pilgrim -a person who makes a journey for religious reasons

frontier -lands beyond areas that were settled by colonists

industry- the businesses that make one kind of product or provide one kind of service

Middle Passage- the long journey slaves took across the Atlantic ocean from Africa to the English colonies.

exports- products sent to other countries

imports -products brought into the country (from other countries)

Monday, October 31, 2011

vocabulary definitions

autobiography- the story of a person’s life as told by the person (the many important events of one’s life)

memoir- an account of one's personal life and experiences (usually about one specific event)

biography- a written account of another person's life:

choral- singing

reunion-a gathering of members of a group who have been separated

scholarship-a grant of money to help a student continue with his or her education

documentary- a work, such as film, that presents its subject matter factually

tedious- boring

painstaking- requiring care and effort

enduring- tolerating

dire- warning of disaster

premier- opening performance


dedication- devotion; commitment

potential- capability

cherished- beloved

razzing- teasing

demotion-moving to a lower position or rank

adversity- hardship

mini research

This is an in class assignment due Thursday Nov. 10th


Introduction to the Elements Mini Project

You will be assigned an element to research for a mini class presentation. The websites: and

Your goal will me to get people interested in you element by emphasizing properties and characteristics that make it different and important. Prepare a mini poster (11 x16) or smaller that includes the following information:

Element name _________________________________________ Element Symbol _______________________

Atomic number _______________________________ Atomic mass _____________________________

Element Classification ________________________________

Phase at room temperature ________________________________

Melting point=_______________________________ Boiling point=__________________________________

When was this element discovered? ______________________________________

Who discovered it? ______________________________________

What are the element’s properties and characteristics? ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

What are the uses of the element? ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Develop a small sales pitch as if you were telling people about this element for the first time. Introduce them to all of the wonderful qualities of your element and why it would be an excellent element to purchase.

Sunday, October 23, 2011

Atoms and Elements Week 2 (science vocabulary)

Atoms and Elements Week 2 (science vocabulary)

1. chemical property- a trait that involves the way a substance combines with other substances to form new substances

2. mixture- a combination of two or more different substances

3. physical property- a trait such as color, shape, hardness- that describes a substance

4. metal-a substance that transfers heat and electricity well and is malleable

5. nonmetal- a substance that does not transfer heat and electricity well and is not malleable

6. alloy-a solid solution in which metal or a nonmetal dissolves in metal

7. metalloid- a substance that has some of the properties of a metal and some of a nonmetal

8. acid- a chemical compound that has a ph less than 7, it turns blue litmus paper red

9. base- a chemical compound that has a ph more than 7, it turns red litmus paper blue

10. salt- is the product that occurs when an acid and base react

Monday, October 17, 2011

vocab week of oct 17th and Essay assignment

Atoms and Elements Week 1 (science vocabulary)

1. atom the smallest unit of an element that still has the properties of that element

2. proton particle with a positive charge

3. electron particle with a negative charge

4. neutron particle with no charge

5. nucleus- the center of an atom (where the proton and neutrons are)

6. mass number- total number of protons and neutrons in an atom

7. atomic number- total number of protons in a nucleus

8. element- substance make of only one kind of atom

9. periodic table- table that shows the elements arranged by their atomic numbers

10. molecule- two or more atoms bonded together

11. compound- a substance made of 2 or more different elements

12. matter- a substance that occupies space and has mass (all matter is made of atoms)

13. solid- the state of matter that has a definite shape and volume

14. liquid- the state of matter that has a definite volume but no definite shape

15. gas- the state of matter that does not have a definite shape or volume


*We will be working on this in class Monday and Tuesday. It needs to be edited at home on Tuesday night or Wednesday Night. Students will have time to work on final copy in class on Thursday.

For the past several weeks, we have been studying Native Americas. We have read the novel Morning Girl and about Columbus and other explorers treatment of the Natives. We have also watched a video about the Wampanoag people and the Pilgrims. Your are now going to think about all of this information and think about your own thoughts and opinions about what you have learned.

Please choose one of the Essay topics

1. Was Columbus’s goal in sailing to the Americas exploration or conquest? Write a 3-5 paragraph essay explaining your opinion.

2. Did the Wampanoag people make the right choice by helping the pilgrims? Write a 3-5 paragraph essay explaining your opinion.

*for an “A” you will need to write a minimum of 4 paragraphs

Rubric for Essay:




_____clear introduction

_____introduces what the paper will be about

_____background information

_____thesis/topic sentence

Body Paragraphs

(10 pts)

_____To get the full 10 points 4 paragraph min.

_____clearly written, make sense, flows

_____well organized

_____supports your thesis

_____accurate information

_____strong vocabulary

_____variety of transitions used

_____informative and uses details and examples



_____clearly sums up point

_____interesting/gives a concluding message

Grammar, Spelling,








_____ Neatly typed or hand written

_____mistakes are erased completely

_____is in “Final” polished draft form

Total Score


Monday, October 10, 2011

vocabulary week of Oct. 10th

1. brows - lines of short hair that grow directly above the eyes

2. gently- in a soft, careful way; with kindness; kindly;

3. remain- to stay, stay on; to stay the same or in the same place, position, or situation; to last or endure; to continue

4. suggested- proposed or offered an idea; recommended

5. tide- the daily rise and fall of the ocean level because of the moon's pull on the Earth

6. dawn- the time in the morning when daylight first begins

7. cruel- causing suffering or pain

8. limb (of a tree)- one of the larger branches of a tree

9. grove- a group of trees

10. embers- small, glowing pieces of coal or wood (in a dying fire)

11. drift- to wander; to be carried along by water or wind

12. insist- to demand

13. midst- the middle; center; being surrounded by something

14. boulder- a large, rounded rock

15. pry/pried – to force open; to look into something excessively

16. grasp/grasped- to hold on to; to understand

17. twitch- to shake; to move suddenly

18. assemble- to make

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Monday, October 3, 2011

Tall Tales- Vocabulary and Spelling words

1. pioneer-a person who settles in an unknown territory; someone who does something for the first time

2. requirement- something needed or demanded

3. reputation- the standing you have with others based on your actions

4. protrude- to stick out

5. maul-a heavy long-­‐handled hammer

6. varmint- an irritating or obnoxious person

7. extraordinary- remarkable

8. forage-to search for (often referring to food)

9. dismal- gloomy or dreary

10. instinct-a natural inclination

11. cascade- a waterfall descending over a steep, rocky surface

12. gigantic-very large

13. navigate- to move through and find your way

14. quicksilver- unpredictable

15. obliged- committed; having to do something

Monday, September 26, 2011

vocab week of Sept 26th

Science Body Stystems

1. tissue- a group of cells that work together to do a certain job

2. organ – a group of tissues that work together to do a certain job

3. digestive system- the organ system that breaks down food into chemical nutrients the body can use. The stomach and intestines are 2 of its main organs.

4. excretory system- the system that removes wastes from the body. It is made up of the kidneys and the bladder.

5. circulatory system- a group of organs that transports needed materials in your blood throughout the body. It is made up of the heart, veins and arteries.

6. respiratory system- a group of organs and tissues that exchange oxygen and carbon dioxide between your body and the environment. Its main organs are the lungs.

7. nervous system- the system that transmits information, in the form of electrochemical impulses, throughout the body. It is made up of the brain, spinal cord, and nerves.

8. brain- an organ that controls body activities, movement, thought, memory and emotion. It receives and interprets impulses from the entire body.

9. heart- an organ of the circulatory system that pumps blood throughout the body

10. stomach- a baglike organ of the digestive system that has strong muscles that mix food with digestive juices.

11. kidney- an organ that filters out the wastes from our blood, helping to excrete them from out body. (humans have 2 kidneys)

12. lung- an organ that helps the blood absorb oxygen. (we have 2)

13. capillary- a tiny blood vessel that helps materials exchange between the blood and the bodies cells

14. artery- a blood vessel that carries blood from the heart to the rest of the body

15. vein- a blood vessel that carries blood from different parts of the body back to the heart.

16 nerve- fibers of neurons that carry sensory and motor information throughout the body in the form of electrical impulses (how the body sends signals back to the spinal cord and to the brain).

Thursday, September 22, 2011

In-Class Assignment on Ancient Civilizations

Name _________________________________

Ancient American Civilizations

Please use the links on my blog to complete the following assignment. Remember to explore the link then answer the questions under that link.

Olmec (Amercia’s Oldest Civilization ~ 1500 BCE ~ Central Mexico)

1. What are the Olmecs best known for?





2. Look at the different artifacts from the exhibit. Which is your favorite and why (use the title under the art piece)?





3. How did the Olmecs influence later civilizations?





Mound Builders (~1000 BCE ~ Ohio River Valley)

4. The purpose of the mounds differed depending on the early Native American group that built them. What were 3 reasons why the Mounds were built and/or how they were used?






Puebloans ( ~100 BCE ~ Utah, Arizona, New Mexico, Colorado)

5. Pueblo is the Spanish word for __________________________________________________________________________________

6. What did the Ancient Puebloans eat? and What types of homes did they live in?







Mayans (~100 BCE ~ Mexico and Central America)

7. What are 3 facts you learned about the Mayans?






8. Choose one of the links to learn more about Mayan life. (art, astronomy, ball game, books and heiroglypics, class system, number system)

Which link did you choose and what did you learn?





9. What do scientists think led to the downfall of the Mayan civilization? How is NASA involved in the research?




Monday, September 19, 2011

9/19 despereaux week two definitions

1. chiaroscuro n. the balance of light and dark in a picture

2. inordinate adj. uncontrolled, excessive

3. illumination n. clarification, a source of light, something that is given given light

4. confessor n. someone authorized to listen to confessions

5. obsession n. an intense desire, a compulsive (often unreasonable) idea or emotion

6. solace n. comfort or v. to comfort

7. revelation n. something that is revealed or shown

8. dire adj. terrible, desperate, dreadful

9. inquire v. to ask

10. innumerable ajc too many to be counted, countless

11. descend v. to move downward

12. ominous adj threatening, menacing, foreshadowing evil

13. tragic adj. extremely sad, mournful, pathetic

14. ferocious adj. violently cruel

15. passionately adv. with intense emotion or feeling

16. aspirations n. goals, ambitions, desire

Monday, September 12, 2011

Vocabulary Definintions

1. despair - to lose all hope

2. speculation- ideas or guesses about something that is not known

3. consorts v. - to keep company

4. perfidy -an act of disloyality

5. egregious- especially bad

6. indulge- to give in to the desire of

7. contemplate -to consider with time and thought

8. repent -to regret, feel badly about

9. renounce -to refuse

10. fervent -great intensity of feeling

11. irony -a situation that is strange or funny because things happen in a way that seems to be the opposite of what you expected

12. conform -to be obedient or compliant

13. indignant -angry because of something unjust

14. ordeal- an unpleasant or difficult experience

15. implications- possible future effects or results

16. beleaguer -to cause repeated trouble for

17. abyss- a hole or space so great it can’t be measured

18. eons -a long period of time

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Online Book Orders

Online Ordering Information
Web address:
Class Activation Code:

Dear Parents,
To make ordering books easier, we will be using an online Book Clubs Web site (that works with the orders that are sent home). You can choose from a much-wider selection of books than in the printed flyer. Plus, you can send your orders directly to me online and use your credit card to pay.

Best of all, we earn a FREE book for the classroom library every time a parent places an order online.*

Here's how it works:

  • SIGN UP at On the parent page, click the "Register" button in the "First Time Here?" section. Register for your own user name and password. When prompted, enter the one-time Class Activation Code shown above. This unique code ensures that your order is sent to me.
  • SELECT the books you'd like to order -- choose from thousands of titles -- many more than in our monthly flyers.
  • SEND your order to me online by the due date and your child's books will be delivered directly to my classroom.

Ordering online is fast, easy, and secure.

You can still order using the form from the printed flyer.

Thank you,

Ms. Sara

*PS every month there will be catalogs to choose from online (orders are due the last day of the Month ex. Sept. Catalog orders are due Sept. 30th)

Monday, September 5, 2011

Vocabulary: Cell Structure

1. cell- the basic unit of all living things

2. tissue- a group of cells that work together to perform a specific function

3. organ- a group of tissues that work together to perform a specific function

4. organ system- organs that work together to do a job for the body

5. amoeba- a single celled organism

6. organelles- different structures in a cell that have a certain function to help keep the cell alive

7. nucleus- an organelle that directs the cell’s activity (the “control center”)

8. cell membrane- holds the cell together and separates if from its surroundings (the “protector”)

9. cytoplasm- jellylike substance that help the cell stay together (the “goo”)

10. mitochondria- releases energy from nutrients (the “powerhouse”)

11. endoplasmic reticulum (ER)-folds and transports proteins (“protein highway”)

12. chromosomes- an organized structure of DNA and protein in cells

13. ribosomes- make proteins from amino acids

14. golgi apparatus- sorts, processes and packages proteins and lipids

For plant cells:

15. chloroplast- makes food for the plant cell

16. cell wall- supports and protects the plant cell

17. vacuole- stores food, water, waste

For animal cells:

18. vesicle- stores food, water, waste

Monday and Tuesday= Use the Diagrams on the reverse side to draw and label your own plant and animal cells. Write definitions next to the labels or on the back of the page (use words: nucleus, cell membrane, cytoplasm, mitochondria, endoplasmic reticulum, ribosomes, golgi apparatus, chloroplast, vacuole, vesicle, cell wall)

Wednesday= Crossword puzzle

Thursday= Study for vocabulary test

Due Friday: A plant and animal cell diagram labeled with vocabulary words and their definitions and the