Monday, September 26, 2011

vocab week of Sept 26th

Science Body Stystems

1. tissue- a group of cells that work together to do a certain job

2. organ – a group of tissues that work together to do a certain job

3. digestive system- the organ system that breaks down food into chemical nutrients the body can use. The stomach and intestines are 2 of its main organs.

4. excretory system- the system that removes wastes from the body. It is made up of the kidneys and the bladder.

5. circulatory system- a group of organs that transports needed materials in your blood throughout the body. It is made up of the heart, veins and arteries.

6. respiratory system- a group of organs and tissues that exchange oxygen and carbon dioxide between your body and the environment. Its main organs are the lungs.

7. nervous system- the system that transmits information, in the form of electrochemical impulses, throughout the body. It is made up of the brain, spinal cord, and nerves.

8. brain- an organ that controls body activities, movement, thought, memory and emotion. It receives and interprets impulses from the entire body.

9. heart- an organ of the circulatory system that pumps blood throughout the body

10. stomach- a baglike organ of the digestive system that has strong muscles that mix food with digestive juices.

11. kidney- an organ that filters out the wastes from our blood, helping to excrete them from out body. (humans have 2 kidneys)

12. lung- an organ that helps the blood absorb oxygen. (we have 2)

13. capillary- a tiny blood vessel that helps materials exchange between the blood and the bodies cells

14. artery- a blood vessel that carries blood from the heart to the rest of the body

15. vein- a blood vessel that carries blood from different parts of the body back to the heart.

16 nerve- fibers of neurons that carry sensory and motor information throughout the body in the form of electrical impulses (how the body sends signals back to the spinal cord and to the brain).

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