Monday, October 31, 2011

vocabulary definitions

autobiography- the story of a person’s life as told by the person (the many important events of one’s life)

memoir- an account of one's personal life and experiences (usually about one specific event)

biography- a written account of another person's life:

choral- singing

reunion-a gathering of members of a group who have been separated

scholarship-a grant of money to help a student continue with his or her education

documentary- a work, such as film, that presents its subject matter factually

tedious- boring

painstaking- requiring care and effort

enduring- tolerating

dire- warning of disaster

premier- opening performance


dedication- devotion; commitment

potential- capability

cherished- beloved

razzing- teasing

demotion-moving to a lower position or rank

adversity- hardship

mini research

This is an in class assignment due Thursday Nov. 10th


Introduction to the Elements Mini Project

You will be assigned an element to research for a mini class presentation. The websites: and

Your goal will me to get people interested in you element by emphasizing properties and characteristics that make it different and important. Prepare a mini poster (11 x16) or smaller that includes the following information:

Element name _________________________________________ Element Symbol _______________________

Atomic number _______________________________ Atomic mass _____________________________

Element Classification ________________________________

Phase at room temperature ________________________________

Melting point=_______________________________ Boiling point=__________________________________

When was this element discovered? ______________________________________

Who discovered it? ______________________________________

What are the element’s properties and characteristics? ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

What are the uses of the element? ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Develop a small sales pitch as if you were telling people about this element for the first time. Introduce them to all of the wonderful qualities of your element and why it would be an excellent element to purchase.

Sunday, October 23, 2011

Atoms and Elements Week 2 (science vocabulary)

Atoms and Elements Week 2 (science vocabulary)

1. chemical property- a trait that involves the way a substance combines with other substances to form new substances

2. mixture- a combination of two or more different substances

3. physical property- a trait such as color, shape, hardness- that describes a substance

4. metal-a substance that transfers heat and electricity well and is malleable

5. nonmetal- a substance that does not transfer heat and electricity well and is not malleable

6. alloy-a solid solution in which metal or a nonmetal dissolves in metal

7. metalloid- a substance that has some of the properties of a metal and some of a nonmetal

8. acid- a chemical compound that has a ph less than 7, it turns blue litmus paper red

9. base- a chemical compound that has a ph more than 7, it turns red litmus paper blue

10. salt- is the product that occurs when an acid and base react

Monday, October 17, 2011

vocab week of oct 17th and Essay assignment

Atoms and Elements Week 1 (science vocabulary)

1. atom the smallest unit of an element that still has the properties of that element

2. proton particle with a positive charge

3. electron particle with a negative charge

4. neutron particle with no charge

5. nucleus- the center of an atom (where the proton and neutrons are)

6. mass number- total number of protons and neutrons in an atom

7. atomic number- total number of protons in a nucleus

8. element- substance make of only one kind of atom

9. periodic table- table that shows the elements arranged by their atomic numbers

10. molecule- two or more atoms bonded together

11. compound- a substance made of 2 or more different elements

12. matter- a substance that occupies space and has mass (all matter is made of atoms)

13. solid- the state of matter that has a definite shape and volume

14. liquid- the state of matter that has a definite volume but no definite shape

15. gas- the state of matter that does not have a definite shape or volume


*We will be working on this in class Monday and Tuesday. It needs to be edited at home on Tuesday night or Wednesday Night. Students will have time to work on final copy in class on Thursday.

For the past several weeks, we have been studying Native Americas. We have read the novel Morning Girl and about Columbus and other explorers treatment of the Natives. We have also watched a video about the Wampanoag people and the Pilgrims. Your are now going to think about all of this information and think about your own thoughts and opinions about what you have learned.

Please choose one of the Essay topics

1. Was Columbus’s goal in sailing to the Americas exploration or conquest? Write a 3-5 paragraph essay explaining your opinion.

2. Did the Wampanoag people make the right choice by helping the pilgrims? Write a 3-5 paragraph essay explaining your opinion.

*for an “A” you will need to write a minimum of 4 paragraphs

Rubric for Essay:




_____clear introduction

_____introduces what the paper will be about

_____background information

_____thesis/topic sentence

Body Paragraphs

(10 pts)

_____To get the full 10 points 4 paragraph min.

_____clearly written, make sense, flows

_____well organized

_____supports your thesis

_____accurate information

_____strong vocabulary

_____variety of transitions used

_____informative and uses details and examples



_____clearly sums up point

_____interesting/gives a concluding message

Grammar, Spelling,








_____ Neatly typed or hand written

_____mistakes are erased completely

_____is in “Final” polished draft form

Total Score


Monday, October 10, 2011

vocabulary week of Oct. 10th

1. brows - lines of short hair that grow directly above the eyes

2. gently- in a soft, careful way; with kindness; kindly;

3. remain- to stay, stay on; to stay the same or in the same place, position, or situation; to last or endure; to continue

4. suggested- proposed or offered an idea; recommended

5. tide- the daily rise and fall of the ocean level because of the moon's pull on the Earth

6. dawn- the time in the morning when daylight first begins

7. cruel- causing suffering or pain

8. limb (of a tree)- one of the larger branches of a tree

9. grove- a group of trees

10. embers- small, glowing pieces of coal or wood (in a dying fire)

11. drift- to wander; to be carried along by water or wind

12. insist- to demand

13. midst- the middle; center; being surrounded by something

14. boulder- a large, rounded rock

15. pry/pried – to force open; to look into something excessively

16. grasp/grasped- to hold on to; to understand

17. twitch- to shake; to move suddenly

18. assemble- to make

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Monday, October 3, 2011

Tall Tales- Vocabulary and Spelling words

1. pioneer-a person who settles in an unknown territory; someone who does something for the first time

2. requirement- something needed or demanded

3. reputation- the standing you have with others based on your actions

4. protrude- to stick out

5. maul-a heavy long-­‐handled hammer

6. varmint- an irritating or obnoxious person

7. extraordinary- remarkable

8. forage-to search for (often referring to food)

9. dismal- gloomy or dreary

10. instinct-a natural inclination

11. cascade- a waterfall descending over a steep, rocky surface

12. gigantic-very large

13. navigate- to move through and find your way

14. quicksilver- unpredictable

15. obliged- committed; having to do something