Monday, December 12, 2011


Homework The Week of December 12th

1. Sign of the Beaver Essay (read to your parents- have them sign it at the bottom) Due Thursday, December 15th. (use the essay outline to help you correctly complete all 5 paragraphs)

2. Reminder: Individual Colonial Project and paragraph due Friday December 16th and be sure to dress up for Colonial Days and bring potluck item discussed with Ms. Anna (room parent).

Your project should relate to our theme of study: Colonial America. and reflect the thought and effort you put into the assignment. Paragraph should include details about what you made, how did you make it, why you chose that project and how it related to our colonial area of study. Neatness, correct grammar, spelling and punctuation are important.





I chose a project that related to Colonial America. I worked on my project until it was complete. I spend time thinking about and planning my project.

I made the very best project that

My project turned out great.

My paragraph was well written, clearly answered the prompt and had few or no errors.


I completed my project.

I tried to do a good job.

I created a good project that related to Colonial America.

My project turned out pretty good.

My paragraph was complete, clearly answered the prompt and had some errors.


I put some effort into my project.

I stopped when it got to be to hard or time consuming. I just wanted to have something to turn in.

My project was not as neat

My paragraph did not clearly answer the prompt and/or had several errors.


I did not really try on this project.

It was not my best work.

I just wanted to have something to turn in.

My project was not finished or really rushed.

My paragraph was incomplete and filled with errors.


I did nothing

I did nothing

3. Reminder: Group presentations will be Thursday December 15th. (This has been worked on in class but if it is not finished, it is homework)

*You should have written notes (on note cards) about what you will present

and a visual (poster with pictures or important points) to support what you are talking about.

*Each Person has 1-2 minutes to present their information.

Remember, every student has one of the following jobs to do:

Economist- You are responsible for describing the economy of the colonies in your region described in your chapter. You are going to teach us about the way your colony made money/traded. What jobs did people do to earn a living?

Biographer – You summarize and draw all of the important people mentioned in your chapter. Why were these people important? What did they do?

Narrator- You summarize and illustrate the story that was at the beginning of your chapter.

Sociologist- You will be responsible for describing the daily life of the people in your colonial region. What were their beliefs? What did they do for fun? How was a typical town set up?

Geographer- Draw a large map (for presentation) of the colonies or your region and be able to describe each of the colonies within your region. Explain how/why your colonies were started.

This is how your presentation will be graded:



Notes/ information /materials

Presentation Skills


I was knowledgeable about my section. I put a lot of effort into research and preparing for my presentation. I tried to present it in an interesting way.

My notes were clear, informative, detailed and accurate. I had an interesting/clear visual to help the audience understand the information I was talking about.

I looked at the audience and spoke in a voice that was clear.


I had information on my section. I tried to make a good presentation.

My notes were clear and accurate.

I had a visual to help the audience understand.

I sometimes looked at the audience and spoke in a voice that was clear.


I put some effort into my project.

I stopped when it got to be to hard or time consuming. I just wanted to have something to turn in.

My notes were missing information. Some important facts were left out. My visual was not complete, messy or confusing.

I didn’t make eye contact with they audience very much I spoke in a very soft voice that was sometimes difficult to hear.


I did not really try on my presentation. I was not prepared to talk. I did not do my best.

My notes were incomplete/little information was given. Missing visual or incomplete and/or messy.

I didn’t make eye contact with the audience at all. It was difficult to hear me.


I did nothing

I did nothing

I did nothing

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