Monday, October 31, 2011

mini research

This is an in class assignment due Thursday Nov. 10th


Introduction to the Elements Mini Project

You will be assigned an element to research for a mini class presentation. The websites: and

Your goal will me to get people interested in you element by emphasizing properties and characteristics that make it different and important. Prepare a mini poster (11 x16) or smaller that includes the following information:

Element name _________________________________________ Element Symbol _______________________

Atomic number _______________________________ Atomic mass _____________________________

Element Classification ________________________________

Phase at room temperature ________________________________

Melting point=_______________________________ Boiling point=__________________________________

When was this element discovered? ______________________________________

Who discovered it? ______________________________________

What are the element’s properties and characteristics? ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

What are the uses of the element? ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Develop a small sales pitch as if you were telling people about this element for the first time. Introduce them to all of the wonderful qualities of your element and why it would be an excellent element to purchase.

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