Monday, March 2, 2015

homework this week

Independent Reading and Vocabulary Work
This weeks homework is going to look a little different…    no quiz this week

By Friday:  Choose an AR book that you have read this trimester and complete
the Response to Literature hand out (on the reverse)

Monday- Thursday=  During the week, find 5  words in your independent reading that are strong vocabulary words or are words you don’t know the meaning of.  Write the word, the sentence it is used in and its definition.  Make up your own sentence for each vocabulary word that helps to show/explains the meaning. (you may use this page or a separate page)
Vocabulary Word

Sentence in book:
Sentence created:
Sentence in book:
Sentence created:
Sentence in book:
Sentence created:
Sentence in book:
Sentence created:
Sentence in book:
Sentence created:

     Name ________________________
Response to Literature

Please choose a book that you have read this trimester and choose 1 of the following prompts to address within a short essay (1-2 paragraphs) .  Be sure to give a variety of reasons, examples and explanations.  This should include evidence from the novel.

1. What is the story really about?  (The heart of the story…The big idea…The purpose)
_______(author)__________________ novel, _______(Title)__________, is  about __________________________________________.

2.  Write about something in the story that moved you?
In _______(author)__________________ novel, _______(Title)__________,, I was especially moved when/by ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________.

3.  Discuss any symbolism that was used in the novel.
In _______(author)__________________ novel, _______(Title)__________,,  an important symbol in the story was ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________.

4.  Discuss one of the important themes in the novel.
In _______(author)__________________ novel, _______(Title)__________,,  the theme of _______________________ was very important.

5. Write about one of the main Character’s  in the story.  Who is your character?  What are they like?   What are his/her most important personality traits?  Is this character the protagonist (the hero), the antagonist (the villain), or a catalyst (someone who inspires a change in a main character)?  What is the character’s problem?  What do they want?  How do they grow or change.
In _______(author)__________________ novel, _______(Title)__________, the character _________________________  is _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________.

Novel ­­­­­_________________________________________________________________________________________________________________


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