Monday, February 23, 2015

Nutrition and Life Lab work :)

We are going to calm things down a bit this week.  There will not be a vocabulary test this week- however we will have a reflection after our fieldtrip on Friday about the things we learned about nutrition this week.  You will be expected to use some the vocabulary from this list.

Nutrition Vocabulary
1. nutrition- The scientific study of food and nourishment, including food makeup, dietary guidelines, and the roles that various nutrients have in maintaining health.

2. diet- the usual food and beverages that an animal consumes

3. protein -One of the three nutrients used as energy sources (calories) by the body. Proteins are essential components of the muscle, skin, and bones. 

4. carbohydrate-  Mainly sugars and starches, together constituting one of the three principal types of nutrients used as energy sources (calories) by the body

5. vegetables- a plant or part of a plant used as food

6. fruit- the sweet and fleshy product of a tree or other plant that contains seed and can be eaten as food.

7. vitamins - a group of substances that are essential, in small quantities, for the normal functioning of metabolism in the body. They cannot usually be made in the body but they occur naturally in certain foods (an insufficient supply of any particular vitamin results in a deficiency disease).

8. dairy- All liquid milk products and many foods made from milk are considered part of this food group (cheese, yogurt, etc)

9. lipids- Another word for "fats."  fat, oil or wax.They are an important part of living cells.
10. calorie- the energy value of food
(the energy needed to raise the temperature of 1 kilogram of water through 1 °C)

11. iron – a nutrient that helps carry  oxygen in the blood

12. calcium- a nutrient that is used for building bones and teeth

Homework this week   DUE FRIDAY
1.    crossword
2.    you may use a mix of cartoons or sentences to explain/describe/use each word

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