Monday, March 30, 2015

Week of March 30th

Reading and Vocabulary Homework

We will work with Scholastic News in class Tuesday.  Students are to use this issue (“ Space Twins” is on the cover) for homework this week.

Monday:  Read and Journal Jot and Get Permission Slip Signed
Tuesday:  Finish reading the issue and complete Brain Busters (all of the back).
Remember to write your name.

Wednesday:  Write the vocabulary words from the issue and their definitions
 (hint:  there are 5 of them and they are bold and their definitions are on the page).






Thursday  Write your opinion/thoughts/ideas about one of the articles you read- be sure to use evidence from the article to support you claim.

Monday, March 23, 2015


Sign of the Beaver Vocabulary

1.  rueful- feeling sadness
2.  amusement- a feeling that something or someone is funny or humorous
3. resent- to look down on with contempt
4. treaty – a formal agreement between 2 or more countries, nations or groups.
5. dignity- self esteem; self respect
6. hobble- limp; to walk with difficultly
7. venture-to take a risk, to dare
8. vague- not clear
9. sensible- having good sense or sound judgment
10. reckon- to think or suppose
11. wit-a form of intellectual humor, intelligence
12. despise- to feel annoyance or ill will, dislike
13. salvage- to rescue or save
14. precious- having a high price or great value
15. scarce-rare, not abundant
16.   grim-harsh, horrible, dreadful
17. defiance-a bold resistance to authority
18. shrewd –intelligent; astute

Tuesday: Definitions
Wednesday: Sentences (10 words in separate sentences that explain the meaning of the words)
Thursday: crossword and Study

Monday, March 16, 2015

atoms and elements

Science:  Elements and Compounds Vocabulary    PART 2

1. atom the smallest unit of an element that still has the properties of that element
2. proton particle with a positive charge
3. electron particle with a negative charge
4. neutron particle with no charge
5. nucleus- the center of an atom (where the proton and neutrons are)
6. mass number- total number of protons and neutrons in an atom
7. atomic number- total number of protons in a nucleus
8. element- substance make of only one kind of atom
9. periodic table- table that shows the elements arranged by their atomic numbers
10.  molecule- two or more atoms bonded together
11. chemical reaction-atoms re-arrange to form products with different properties
12. compound- a substance made of 2 or more different elements
13. mixture- a combination of two or more different substances
14. physical property- a trait such as color, shape, hardness- that describes a substance
15. alloy-a solid solution in which metal or a nonmetal dissolves in metal
16.  solid- the state of matter that has a definite shape and volume
17.  liquid- the state of matter that has a definite volume but no definite shape
18. gas- the state of matter that does not have a definite shape or volume
19.  chemical property- a trait that involves the way a substance combines with other substances to form new substances
20.  acid- a chemical compound that has a ph less than 7, it turns blue litmus paper red
21.  base- a chemical compound that has a ph more than 7, it turns red litmus paper blue
22. salt- is the product that occurs when an acid and base react

* Bring Science Study guide to school every day!!!  We will be filling it out in class!!!

Monday- begin study guide

Tuesday- continue work on study guide

Wednesday- continue work on study guide

Thursday- study the study guide

Friday- Test (you will be able to use science notebooks and study guide!  

Study Guide for Science:  Elements and Compounds  (You will be able to use this study guide on the test!)
know the definitions of and use the following words:

1. atom-
2. proton -
3. electron –
4. neutron-
5. nucleus-
6. mass number-
7. atomic number-
8. element-
9. periodic table-
10.  molecule-
11. chemical reaction-
12. compound-
13. mixture-
14. physical property-
 15. alloy-
16.  solid-
17.  liquid-
18. gas-
19.  chemical property- 
20.  acid-
21.  base-
22.  salt-

*What are the four main elements that make up plants, insects and humans (all living things)?

*What 5 elements are present in DNA?

*Label the following as a mixture, element, or compound

*When given an element from the periodic table you should be able to draw and label a model of an atom.




*Label the following images as a molecule of an element or a molecule of a compound:
water molecule      oxygen molecule    salt molecule      chlorine molecule      methane molecule

*Know the chemical formula for the following:


carbon dioxide





*What information is given in the periodic table?         

*What is the most common element in the universe?

*What are the two main gasses found in air?

*Most of the objects we use in our life originally come from elements found where?

*What are some examples of carbon compounds?

*Why does carbon have different properties in charcoal than it does in a diamond?

*Describe the difference between metals and non metals and metalloids and give an example of each

*How are metals used in your everyday life?

*Explain several ways in which all the different types of matter in the world can be made up of so few elements.

*How do chemical reactions affect the number of different types of matter in the world?

*A clear, green liquid has been added to a clear white liquid.  A white solid forms and the green color disappears.  What conclusion can you draw from these observations?  Explain.

*Which of the following is a chemical reaction?
A. wood burning
B. clouds forming
C. salt disolving
D. meat freezing

*Colonists used a metallic subsantce called pewter to make plates and cups.  Pewter is not shown on the periodic table.  What can you infer about pewter?
A.  It’s a non metal
B.  It’s a plastic
C. It’s an allow

*A sealed box containing air and a piece of wood has a mass of 750 g.  The box remains sealed as the wood is burned.  What would be the mass of the box after the wood is burned?
A.  a little less than 750 g
B.  much less than 750 g
C.  more than 750 g
D. exactly 750g

Monday, March 9, 2015

Atoms and Elements Week 1 (science vocabulary)

1. atom the smallest unit of an element that still has the properties of that element
2. proton particle with a positive charge
3. electron particle with a negative charge
4. neutron particle with no charge
5. nucleus- the center of an atom (where the proton and neutrons are)
6. mass number- total number of protons and neutrons in an atom
7. atomic number- total number of protons in a nucleus
8. element- substance make of only one kind of atom
9. periodic table- table that shows the elements arranged by their atomic numbers
10.  molecule- two or more atoms bonded together
11. compound- a substance made of 2 or more different elements
12. matter- a substance that occupies space and has mass (all matter is made of atoms)
13.  solid- the state of matter that has a definite shape and volume
14.  liquid- the state of matter that has a definite volume but no definite shape
15. gas- the state of matter that does not have a definite shape or volume

1. ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
4. ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
14. _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Monday- write definitions           
Wednesday- Atoms and Elements worksheet (on the back of the crossword)            
Thursday- study

Wednesday, March 4, 2015

intro to elements project

Introduction to the Elements Mini Project Due Friday 3/13
You will be assigned an element to research for a mini class presentation.  The websites: and  and

Your goal will me to get people interested in you element by emphasizing properties and characteristics that make it different and important.  Prepare a mini poster (11 x16) or smaller or a google drawing that includes the following information:

Element name _________________________________________   
Element Symbol _______________________
Atomic number _______________________________                  
Atomic mass _____________________________
Element Classification ________________________________
Phase at room temperature ________________________________
Melting point=_______________________________     
Boiling point=__________________________________
When was this element discovered? ______________________________________
Who discovered it? ______________________________________
What are the element’s properties and characteristics? ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
What are the uses of the element? ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Develop a small sales pitch as if you were telling people about this element for the first time.  Introduce them to all of the wonderful qualities of your element and why it would be an excellent element to purchase.

Monday, March 2, 2015

homework this week

Independent Reading and Vocabulary Work
This weeks homework is going to look a little different…    no quiz this week

By Friday:  Choose an AR book that you have read this trimester and complete
the Response to Literature hand out (on the reverse)

Monday- Thursday=  During the week, find 5  words in your independent reading that are strong vocabulary words or are words you don’t know the meaning of.  Write the word, the sentence it is used in and its definition.  Make up your own sentence for each vocabulary word that helps to show/explains the meaning. (you may use this page or a separate page)
Vocabulary Word

Sentence in book:
Sentence created:
Sentence in book:
Sentence created:
Sentence in book:
Sentence created:
Sentence in book:
Sentence created:
Sentence in book:
Sentence created:

     Name ________________________
Response to Literature

Please choose a book that you have read this trimester and choose 1 of the following prompts to address within a short essay (1-2 paragraphs) .  Be sure to give a variety of reasons, examples and explanations.  This should include evidence from the novel.

1. What is the story really about?  (The heart of the story…The big idea…The purpose)
_______(author)__________________ novel, _______(Title)__________, is  about __________________________________________.

2.  Write about something in the story that moved you?
In _______(author)__________________ novel, _______(Title)__________,, I was especially moved when/by ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________.

3.  Discuss any symbolism that was used in the novel.
In _______(author)__________________ novel, _______(Title)__________,,  an important symbol in the story was ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________.

4.  Discuss one of the important themes in the novel.
In _______(author)__________________ novel, _______(Title)__________,,  the theme of _______________________ was very important.

5. Write about one of the main Character’s  in the story.  Who is your character?  What are they like?   What are his/her most important personality traits?  Is this character the protagonist (the hero), the antagonist (the villain), or a catalyst (someone who inspires a change in a main character)?  What is the character’s problem?  What do they want?  How do they grow or change.
In _______(author)__________________ novel, _______(Title)__________, the character _________________________  is _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________.

Novel ­­­­­_________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
