Sunday, September 21, 2014

The Miraculous Journey of Edward Tulane Vocabulary

The Miraculous Journey of Edward Tulane Vocabulary

1. unsavory - disagreeable or distasteful
2. duration   - the length of time something continues
3. implications - suggestions
4. diligence – careful attention
5. grotesque  - ugly disgusting
6.   considered – thought about, pondered
7.  constellations- clusters or groups of stars that from figures, designs, pictures, or  patterns
8.   firmly-  in a strong or definite way; tightly
9.  reflected - given back or shown an image of;  having thought seriously about
10.  courtesy- polite behavior
11.  condescending-  treating others like they are beneath you, “snooty”
12.  derogatory- intentionally offensive, belittling,
13.  triumphantly- in a victorious/winning manner

14.  excruciatingly- Intensely painful; agonizing.
15.  ferocity- the state of being fierce or ferocious.

MONDAY- definitions
TUESDAY- write sentences for each word
WEDNESDAY- crossword
THURSDAY-  study for vocab test

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