Monday, September 9, 2013

cell vocabulary

Vocabulary:  Cell Structure

1. cell- the basic unit of all living things
2. tissue- a group of cells that work together to perform a specific function
3. organ- a group of tissues that work together to perform a specific function
4. organ system- organs that work together to do a job for the  body
5. amoeba- a single celled organism
6. organelles- different structures in a cell that have a certain function to help keep the cell alive
7. nucleus- an organelle that directs the cell’s activity (the “control center”)
8. cell membrane- holds the cell together and separates if from its surroundings (the “protector”)
9. cytoplasm- jellylike substance that help the cell stay together (the “goo”)
10. mitochondria- releases energy  from nutrients (the “powerhouse”)
11. endoplasmic reticulum (ER)-folds and transports proteins (“protein highway”)
12. chromosomes- an organized structure of DNA and protein in cells
13. ribosomes- make proteins from amino acids
14. golgi apparatus- sorts, processes and packages proteins and lipids

For plant cells:
15. chloroplast- makes food for the plant cell
16. cell wall- supports and protects the plant cell
17. vacuole- stores food, water, waste

For animal cells:
18. vesicle- stores food, water, waste

Monday and Tuesday= Use the Diagrams on the reverse side to draw and label your own plant and animal cells.  Write definitions next to the labels or on the back of the page (use words: nucleus, cell membrane, cytoplasm, mitochondria, endoplasmic reticulum, ribosomes, golgi apparatus, chloroplast, vacuole, vesicle, cell wall)
Wednesday= Crossword puzzle
Thursday= Study for vocabulary test

Due Friday:  A plant and animal cell diagram labeled with vocabulary words and their definitions and the crossword puzzle

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