Monday, May 7, 2012

remember choose a cereal box book report, photo album or game,

Name _____________________________

A New Cereal on the Shelf

If you could invent a cereal based on a fictional book you read, what would it be?  After you think of a name and shape for your cereal, you’ll design a cereal box for it.

empty cereal box, white or light-colored paper, scissors, markers or crayons, construction paper, glue, tape,

optional materials:
clay, fabric, needle, thread…other craft supplies


1.    Chose an AR book that interests you (it can be one you are in the middle of reading) and have it approved by your teacher.

Book Title: _________________________________________

Author: ____________________________________________

2.  Think about what you will name your cereal.  Choose a name that sounds enticing and that relates to the story in some way.  Then, choose a shape for the cereal, as well as colors and ingredients that also relate to the book.  For example, for Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone, you might invent a cereal called Wizard Wands, a toasted oat cereal in the shape of miniature lightening bolts.

3.  Cover an empty cereal box with white or light-colored paper.  Or you might want to write and draw on appropriate-sized sheets of paper and then glue them onto the box.  Here are the guidelines for each side of the box:

Write the name of your cereal and draw a picture to go with it.  You might draw characters or other pictures to help you sell your product.  Make your cereal box look appealing and fun.  Look at actual cereal boxes for ideas.

Design a game that is based on the story.  It can be a puzzle, a word game, or any other fun activity that might be found ton the back of a cereal box.  Make sure it includes information from the book.  Describe your idea below.

Right side
Under the heading “Ingredients,”  list the main characters and write a sentence about each one.  Then describe the setting (place and time).  Write your rough draft below.

Left side
Write a summary of the book.  Describe the main conflict and the resolution.

Write the title and author of the book and your name

create a prize that is related to your book (it could be a something you sew or make out of clay)

4.  Plan a two-minute commercial for your cereal that includes important information about your book,     and present it to the class.

Cereal Box due (and prepared to present)
Name ________________________________           Cereal Book Reports    

    Points possible    Points earned
Did you hand in your report on time?    10   
Is your cereal box neat, colorful and attractive?    10   
Is the front of the box complete and thoughtfully done?    10   
Is the back of the box complete and thoughtfully done?    10   
Is the right side complete and accurate?    15   
Is the left side complete and accurate?    15   
Is the top complete and accurate?    5   
Is the prize interesting and relates to the book?    5   
Are the spelling punctuation, and grammar correct?    10   
Was your commercial/presentation informative and interesting?    10   


Name _____________________________

Design a Game

Create a board game based on the book you read.  The game should include information about characters, setting and story.

Game Elements:
-a game board
-clear and easy to follow directions
-a spinner or die
-playing pieces
- a fun name

A game should have a clear purpose and that students should determine how a player wins.  Avoid getting too complicated so that you will not be able to explain the rules. 

Be sure to incorporate elements of their story into the game.  Include information about characters, setting and story.  Anyone should be able to play the game (the purpose is not to test knowledge of the book).

1.  Find a fictional story that is at your level and have it approved by your teacher.

Book Title: _______________________________________________________________________________
Author:  __________________________________________________________________________________

2.  Write the characters’ names, along with a descriptive sentence about them (including who they are).
3. In a few sentences, describe the setting of the story.
4.  What was the main conflict or problem in the story?  Explain how this was resolved.

5.  Think about how you can design a board game based on all or most of the information above (characters, setting, conflict, and resolution).  Keep in mind that players should be able to play the game even if they have not read the book.

How is the game played? What are the rules?
____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________What will the game board and playing pieces look like?
____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________How does someone win? (Will they  reach the finish first?  Will they collect the most points along the way? Explain.)
____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Will you use a spinner, cards, or dice in your game?
____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________6.  On a separte sheet of paper, sketch the game board.  Test your game to make sure it works before your final copy.

7.  Write clear directions explaining how to play it.  Number each step in the directions.
_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________8.  make a final copy of your game board and other parts (cards, spinner, playing pieces, etc.)  Write the title and author of the book somewhere on the game board, along with your own name and a name for the game.

9.  Plan a two-minute commercial for your game that includes important information about your book,     and present it to the class.

Game due (and prepared to present)

Name ________________________________           “Game” Book Reports    


Points possible
Points earned
Did you hand in your report on time?

Is your game neat, colorful and attractive?

Is the board game complete and thoughtfully done?

are the cards/pieces complete and thoughtfully done?

Is the game based on the book? (did you complete the worksheet?)

Did you write clear directions for your game?

Does the game include your name, the book and the author and title of the game?

Are the spelling punctuation, and grammar correct?

Was your commercial/presentation informative and interesting?


Name _____________________________

Design a Photo Album

Create a photo album of important people, places, events or objects from a book that your read this trimester.

Imagine that you have just taken a journey to the setting of their book.  They visited the places in the book, witnessed the events, and met the characters.  While there, you snapped pictures the entire time, to capture every detail.  You are going to choose 6 important photos.  These should show the most important aspects of your book.  You will draw 6 pictures and write a caption at least 3 sentences for each explaining why the image is so important to the book.  Finally mount the photos and captions in a construction paper album.

1.  Find a book that interests you and is at your level and have it approved by your teacher.

Book Title: _______________________________________________________________________________
Author:  __________________________________________________________________________________

2.  Make a list of the most important people, places, events and objects in the book and explain why they are important.

3.  Choose the six most important or interesting items on your list.  Draw and color illustrations for each one to create a “photo”.

4. Write an interesting caption to describe each photo (at least 3 sentences).  In the caption, explain why the image shown is important in the book.

5.  Fold a piece of construction paper in half, like a book.  On the front, write a title for your album.  Include the book title, author and your name.

6.  Arrange photos and captions in the album.

Plan a two-minute commercial for your Album that includes important information about your book,     and present it to the class.

Photo Album due (and prepared to present)

Name ________________________________           “Photo Album” Book Reports    

    Points possible    Points earned
Did you hand in your report on time?    10   
Is your album thoughtful, neat, colorful and attractive?    10   
Did you choose 6 important pictures to represent your book?    20   
Did you write captions that were at least 3 sentences?    15   
Did the captions explain the importance of the photos?    15   
Did you display the photos and captions in the album?    10   
Are the spelling punctuation, and grammar correct?    10   
Was your commercial/presentation informative and interesting?    10   

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