Wednesday, August 12, 2015


August 13, 2015

Dear Room 12 families,

I am super excited to have the opportunity to work with you and your children this year in 5th grade.  We will be covering some really interesting topics this year:  American history, habitats and conservation, cells, body systems, elements and compounds, the solar system, furthering our understanding of place value, fractions, decimals and graphing. We will also be analyzing some great literature and writing a variety of compositions in reader’s and writer’s workshop.  We will also have some fun art projects, too!

I will be going over the academic program and classroom procedures in greater detail at Back to School Night, Thursday August 27th 6-7 pm. Until then, here are some things you may find helpful.

Many Thanks,
Mrs. Sara

It is one of the best ways for you to stay informed.  Homework and larger assignments will be posted there. 

Each week students will be given a homework log to record their assignments.  This needs to be brought daily and kept in the front of their binder.  (Next week’s vocabulary work will be done in class so that students see what is expected)  Please note that students were given a log for this week with an assignment on the back (directions to bring some things in for an art project that we will be doing in class next week).  I attached a copy of the directions at the bottom of this letter, as well.

Students Recommended Supplies 
to have at School:

-basic 3 ring binder (one that is easy to open and close is best… no need for fancy zippers and extra things)
-Homework folder (labeled)
      -Other folder(labeled) optional
-binder paper (in the back of the binder)
-pencils       -post its    -tape
-glue stick      -white board marker
-red or blue ball point pen (for correcting)
-supply container  (all desk supplies should be able to fit in it  ex. pencils, markers, scissors, glue etc.)
-colored pencils or markers (crayons are okay, too-  we will have class supplies but sometimes kids like to have their own in their desk)
Things that are useful for students to have at home:

-a quiet place to work

-binder paper

-dictionary  (using and online dictionary is also fine)
Classroom Wish List:

-white board markers (thick or thin)
-water color paper
-hand sanitizer
-sculpy clay
-blank shrink-a-dink paper
-baby wipes

I know that you have a ton of paper work to wade through.  Please make sure to return the following ASAP.

1.  Emergency Card (yellow)
2.  Emergency Medical Treatment Form (White)
3. Voluntary Participation Student Accident/Health Insurance Notification Form  (Pink)

You will also get to read through the Mar Vista Handbook and the PVUSD Handbook.

I am very much looking forward to working with you to ensure that your child has a great year in 5th grade!

Many Thanks,

Mrs.  Sara Thorington

I check my email often and it is a great way to communicate with me-

All About Me Art Project     Supplies Due In Class Tuesday, August 18th

This Project will be started in class.  It will be extra fun/personalized if you are able to bring some supplies from home.  This is a chance to share a little bit about yourself with all of us in a fun and creative way.  This will be a project that we will be working hard on so that we are proud of it. We will have a couple of hours to work on this during class, otherwise it will need to be finished for homework.

Final Portrait with collage Due Friday, August 25th.

We will be making a self-portrait with a collage border/background.    This will be on 9x12  paper. It might be helpful to bring in a photo to help you draw yourself -if you really don’t want to draw yourself, you may also just use  photograph.

The border/background will represent things about you.  You may draw those things or you may wish to bring small pictures/magazine cut outs/etc. to decorate with.

Some of the items your border/background needs to represent:
1.  a hobby or free-time activity that you enjoy
2. at least 3 of your favorites (color, movie, book, food, music, subject etc.)
3.  a place you would like to visit someday (or have visited)
4. something and/or someone that is really important to you
5. something that has to do with your family
6. something that reminds you of a memorable even or time in your life
7. a person you admire
9. a wish or a dream that you have
10. an important object to you

Some example items that might be fun to add:  photos, magazine cut outs, small drawings or other small pieces or parts of artwork, post cards, cd covers, ticket stubs

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