Sunday, March 30, 2014


O’neill Sea Odyssey Vocabulary (Ocean Science)

1. CLARITY   ____
3. LARVAE ____
6. PRODUCER _____
7. CONSUMER_____
9.  ORGANISM _____
12. DEGRADABLE _____
13. ACID RAIN _____
14. SANCTUARY_____              
15.  ECOLOGY _____
16.  ECOSYSTEM _____
17. FOOD CHAIN ____
18. FOOD WEB____
19. HABITAT ____

A.  Plant plankton PLANKTON – Aquatic organisms that drift with the current or have limited swimming abilities

B.  Animal plankton ranging from microscopic larval sea stars to huge jellyfish

C.  Materials that decompose by the action of bacteria

D.  The movement of energy from the sun through living organisms in a food web

E.  The immature juvenile form of an animal

F.  All living things including people, animals, plants, bacteria and fungi

G. The study of living things in relation to one another and their environment

H. An interacting community of animals and plants that depend upon each other and their environment for survival

I.  A distinct feature of an animal that allows it to survive more easily in its environment

J.  An organism that breaks down the substance of dead organisms. Mushrooms and bacteria are decomposers

K.  The wise use of natural resources

L.  Any organism that feeds on other plants or animals

M.  Organisms that convert light energy to chemical energy (phytoplankton, plants)

N.   Measurement of the amount of solids suspended in a liquid; how clear or cloudy a liquid is

O.  A safe place of refuge and protection

P.   The physical place where an organism

Q.  A group of interlinked food chains

R.  A transfer of food energy from one organism to another

S.   Rain that contains dissolved pollutants

These are some of the many vocabulary words we will be discussing this week!  These will be the only words you will be tested on.

Monday- Definitions- you may write the letter of correct definition this week!
Tuesday- Crossword
Wednesday- Word sort (based on part of speech, topic relations, syllables etc.)
Thursday- Study for test
Friday - Feildtrip and Test

O’neill Sea Odyssey Vocabulary (Ocean Science)

1. CLARITY– Measurement of the amount of solids suspended in a liquid; how clear or cloudy a liquid is
2. ENERGY FLOW – The movement of energy from the sun through living organisms in a food web
3. LARVAE – The immature juvenile form of an animal
4. PHYTOPLANKTON – Plant plankton PLANKTON – Aquatic organisms that drift with the current or have limited swimming abilities
5. ZOOPLANKTON – Animal plankton ranging from microscopic larval sea stars to huge jellyfish
6. PRODUCER – Organisms that convert light energy to chemical energy (phytoplankton, plants)
7. CONSUMER – Any organism that feeds on other plants or animals
8. DECOMPOSER – An organism that breaks down the substance of dead organisms. Mushrooms and bacteria are decomposers
9.  ORGANISM – All living things including people, animals, plants, bacteria and fungi
10. ADAPTATION– A distinct feature of an animal that allows it to survive more easily in its environment
11. CONSERVATION – The wise use of natural resources
12. DEGRADABLE – Materials that decompose by the action of bacteria
13. ACID RAIN – Rain that contains dissolved pollutants
14. SANCTUARY – A safe place of refuge and protection    
15.  ECOLOGY – The study of living things in relation to one another and their environment
16.  ECOSYSTEM – An interacting community of animals and plants that depend upon each other and their environment for survival
17. FOOD CHAIN – A transfer of food energy from one organism to another
18. FOOD WEB – A group of interlinked food chains
19. HABITAT- The physical place where an organism

Thursday, March 27, 2014

Parent Letter 3.27.14


Greetings Room 12 families,

There are a couple of really important items in Thursday folders.

1.     Permission Slip for Family Life (also includes parent information nights)
2.     Permission Slip for your child to watch class persuasive presentations (see below)
3.     Spring Photos -please return package or $ ASAP

Thank you,
Mrs. Sara

Permission Slip to Watch Persuasive Presentations

We are busy preparing our persuasive essays, letters or in some cases, speeches.  In addition to our essay work, we are also developing persuasive google presentations about our issues.

To be sure that all parents are comfortable with the presentations I wanted to be sure that all of you were aware of the topics that will be discussed. 

Please check (next to the topic) if you are NOT comfortable with the topic being presented in front of your child.

____ animal abuse/cruelty
____ dangers of drugs
____ horse racing
____ poverty
____ dangers of cigarettes/smoking
____ factory farming
____ puppy farms
____ Poaching Elephants/Ivory trade
____ too much homework
____ healthier school lunches/heath food and “energy” products
____ bullying
____ computer hacking
____ adopting animals from shelters
____ save the pandas

I am comfortable with my student seeing all presentations except the ones that I have checked above.

Parent  Signature __________________________________________________


*If there is a topic that many parents are uncomfortable with, students will be able to give their presentations to me (instead of the class) as an audience.

*If there is a topic that only 1 or 2 students cannot see, they might be asked to go to the library during that presentation.

Sunday, March 16, 2014

Ch. 8 Social Studies-The Colonies Unite - Vocabulary

Ch. 8 Social Studies-The Colonies Unite - Vocabulary      

1.  alliance- a formal agreement among groups or individuals
2.  boycott- to refuse to buy
3. Parliament- the lawmaking body of the British government
4. treason-working against one’s own government; betrayal
5. repeal- to take back
6. coerced- forced         
7. monopoly- the complete control of a good or service by a person or group
8. congress- a formal meeting of representatives
9.  quarter- to feed and house
10. revolution- a sudden, complete change of government
11. independence- the freedom to govern oneself
12. declaration- an offical statement
13.  grievances- complaints
14. budget- a plan for spending money
15.  delegate- a representative
16.  proclamation- a public announcement
17.  representation- the right of being represented by delegates having a voice in a legislative body
18. petition- a signed request made to an official person

Monday:  Definitions
Tuesday:  Sentences or Cartoon *must clearly show words meaning
Wednesday:  Crossword Puzzle
Thursday:  Study for test on Friday

Bonus Words
19.  imperial policies- laws and orders issued by the British government
20.  Minutemen- Colonial organized militia units that were said to be ready to fight at a minutes notice
21.  Articles of  Confederation-  America’s first plan of government
22.  Committees of Correspondence- committees formed by the colonists that would write letters to other colonies  keeping all of the colonies informed and united in  a common cause
23.  olive branch- an ancient symbol of peace

Thursday, March 6, 2014

space links

There are some great science links on my blog under "SPACE"

You can also watch videos on my you tube space channel...

Sunday, March 2, 2014

Space vocabulary for the next 2 weeks

NASA- Space Vocabulary 

These will be your vocabulary words for the next two weeks! 

Mon 3/3 .and Tues 3/4  = Definitions on a separate sheet of paper

Wednesday 3/5  and Thursday 3/6 =  Draw pictures for as many words as you can or if you need to a cartoon that describes/explains the word

Monday 3/10 and Tuesday 3/11= use all words in a sentence (try not to use more than 2 vocab words per sentence).

Wednesday 3/12= crossword puzzle


Friday  3/14 = Test and Turn in all vocabulary work

NASA- Space Vocabulary 

1. star- A point of light in the night sky. It is a ball of gas, which produces its own heat and light.

2. planet- A large, natural object that orbits a star.

3. space- The area above a planet’s atmosphere.

4. moon- A natural object orbiting a planet.

5.  asteroids-small, rocky, icy and metallic objects that orbit the sun.  Most asteroids orbit in the main asteroid belt between the orbits of Mars and Jupiter.

6.  comets- small objects made of rock and frozen gas that orbit the sun.  They have the a coma or “tail” that is seen when they pass close to the sun.  Most originate in the outer solar system.

7. solar system- A system of a stars and all the objects that orbit it; Our solar system includes the sun, 9 planets, their moons, asteroids, and comets.

8. orbit- The path of a satellite around a planet or of a planet around its star

9. rotate- To turn around an axis or center point; which causes day and night on the Earth.

10.  revolve- To move in a circular orbit; such as the Earth going around the sun.

11.  atmosphere- The gases surrounding a planet.

12. force- A push or pull on an object.

13.  drag- The force due to air that slows down the plane as it moves forward.

14. thrust- The force of the engine, which pushes a plane forward.

15.  gravity- The force of attraction between two objects (such as the force between you and the Earth).

16.  lift- The force that keeps an airplane up due to the flow of air over and under the wings.

17.  mach- A number that compares an airplane’s speed to the speed of sound 750 mph. (At Mach 2, a plane goes twice the speed of sound).

18.  supersonic- A term that indicates motion faster than the speed of sound (more than Mach 1 but less than Mach 5).

19.  astronaut- A person who trains to fly into space.

20.  engineer- A person trained to design, construct, and operate mechanical or electrical instruments

21.  ration- A fixed amount of food or water when the supply is limited.

22.  space shuttle- A reusable, crewed spacecraft used to place satellites in earth orbit and to conduct experiments.

23.  space station- A manned structure that orbits the Earth and is used for a variety of purposes, especially research

24.  space probe- An unmanned spacecraft that explores the solar system and sends data back to Earth

25.  altitude- The height above sea level.

26.  lunar- A term referring to the moon.
NASA- Space Vocabulary   (Homework:  Mon. and Tues.= Definitions, Wed.= Crossword, Thurs.= study, Fri.=Test)