Sunday, March 30, 2014


O’neill Sea Odyssey Vocabulary (Ocean Science)

1. CLARITY   ____
3. LARVAE ____
6. PRODUCER _____
7. CONSUMER_____
9.  ORGANISM _____
12. DEGRADABLE _____
13. ACID RAIN _____
14. SANCTUARY_____              
15.  ECOLOGY _____
16.  ECOSYSTEM _____
17. FOOD CHAIN ____
18. FOOD WEB____
19. HABITAT ____

A.  Plant plankton PLANKTON – Aquatic organisms that drift with the current or have limited swimming abilities

B.  Animal plankton ranging from microscopic larval sea stars to huge jellyfish

C.  Materials that decompose by the action of bacteria

D.  The movement of energy from the sun through living organisms in a food web

E.  The immature juvenile form of an animal

F.  All living things including people, animals, plants, bacteria and fungi

G. The study of living things in relation to one another and their environment

H. An interacting community of animals and plants that depend upon each other and their environment for survival

I.  A distinct feature of an animal that allows it to survive more easily in its environment

J.  An organism that breaks down the substance of dead organisms. Mushrooms and bacteria are decomposers

K.  The wise use of natural resources

L.  Any organism that feeds on other plants or animals

M.  Organisms that convert light energy to chemical energy (phytoplankton, plants)

N.   Measurement of the amount of solids suspended in a liquid; how clear or cloudy a liquid is

O.  A safe place of refuge and protection

P.   The physical place where an organism

Q.  A group of interlinked food chains

R.  A transfer of food energy from one organism to another

S.   Rain that contains dissolved pollutants

These are some of the many vocabulary words we will be discussing this week!  These will be the only words you will be tested on.

Monday- Definitions- you may write the letter of correct definition this week!
Tuesday- Crossword
Wednesday- Word sort (based on part of speech, topic relations, syllables etc.)
Thursday- Study for test
Friday - Feildtrip and Test

O’neill Sea Odyssey Vocabulary (Ocean Science)

1. CLARITY– Measurement of the amount of solids suspended in a liquid; how clear or cloudy a liquid is
2. ENERGY FLOW – The movement of energy from the sun through living organisms in a food web
3. LARVAE – The immature juvenile form of an animal
4. PHYTOPLANKTON – Plant plankton PLANKTON – Aquatic organisms that drift with the current or have limited swimming abilities
5. ZOOPLANKTON – Animal plankton ranging from microscopic larval sea stars to huge jellyfish
6. PRODUCER – Organisms that convert light energy to chemical energy (phytoplankton, plants)
7. CONSUMER – Any organism that feeds on other plants or animals
8. DECOMPOSER – An organism that breaks down the substance of dead organisms. Mushrooms and bacteria are decomposers
9.  ORGANISM – All living things including people, animals, plants, bacteria and fungi
10. ADAPTATION– A distinct feature of an animal that allows it to survive more easily in its environment
11. CONSERVATION – The wise use of natural resources
12. DEGRADABLE – Materials that decompose by the action of bacteria
13. ACID RAIN – Rain that contains dissolved pollutants
14. SANCTUARY – A safe place of refuge and protection    
15.  ECOLOGY – The study of living things in relation to one another and their environment
16.  ECOSYSTEM – An interacting community of animals and plants that depend upon each other and their environment for survival
17. FOOD CHAIN – A transfer of food energy from one organism to another
18. FOOD WEB – A group of interlinked food chains
19. HABITAT- The physical place where an organism

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