Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Classwork 1/30/14

Introduction to the Elements Mini Project
You will be assigned an element to research for a mini class presentation.  The websites: and
Your goal will me to get people interested in you element by emphasizing properties and characteristics that make it different and important.  Prepare a mini poster (11 x16) or smaller that includes the following information:

Element name _________________________________________  Element Symbol _______________________
Atomic number _______________________________                 Atomic mass _____________________________
Element Classification ________________________________
Phase at room temperature ________________________________
Melting point=_______________________________    Boiling point=__________________________________
When was this element discovered? ______________________________________
Who discovered it? ______________________________________
What are the element’s properties and characteristics? ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
What are the uses of the element? ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Develop a small sales pitch as if you were telling people about this element for the first time.  Introduce them to all of the wonderful qualities of your element and why it would be an excellent element to purchase.

Sunday, January 26, 2014

Atoms and Elements Vocab

Atoms and Elements Week 1 (science vocabulary)

1. atom -the smallest unit of an element that still has the properties of that element
2. proton -particle with a positive charge
3. electron -particle with a negative charge
4. neutron -particle with no charge
5. nucleus- the center of an atom (where the proton and neutrons are)
6. mass number- total number of protons and neutrons in an atom
7. atomic number- total number of protons in a nucleus
8. element- substance make of only one kind of atom
9. periodic table- table that shows the elements arranged by their atomic numbers
10.  molecule- two or more atoms bonded together
11. compound- a substance made of 2 or more different elements
12. matter- a substance that occupies space and has mass (all matter is made of atoms)
13.  solid- the state of matter that has a definite shape and volume
14.  liquid- the state of matter that has a definite volume but no definite shape
15. gas- the state of matter that does not have a definite shape or volume

1. _________________________________________________
4. _________________________________________________
14. ________________________________________________
Monday- write definitions           
Wednesday- Atoms and Elements worksheet (on the back of the crossword)            
Thursday- study

Monday, January 20, 2014

Independent Reading and Vocabulary Work

Independent Reading and Vocabulary Work

We are going to start our Literature Analysis using in both readers and writers workshop, so this week I would like students to be reading extra closely in their independent reading books.  We will be revisiting our independent vocabulary searches.   *no quiz this week
Tuesday- Thursday=  Find 10 words in your independent book that you are reading that is a strong vocabulary word or is a word you didn’t know the meaning of.  Write the word, the sentence it is used in and its definition.  Make up your own sentence for each vocabulary word that explains the meaning. (you may use this page or a separate page)
Vocabulary Word

Sentence/phrase in book:
Sentence created:
Sentence/phrase in book:
Sentence created:
Sentence/phrase in book:
Sentence created:
Sentence/phrase in book:
Sentence created:
Sentence/phrase in book:
Sentence created:
Sentence/phrase in book:
Sentence created:
Sentence/phrase in book:
Sentence created:
Sentence/phrase in book:
Sentence created:
Sentence/phrase in book:
Sentence created:
Sentence/phrase in book:
Sentence created:

Science Fair Planning

Science Project Display and Journal is due February 4th

There are 2 types of projects:  Models to help understand a concept and Experiments to test a question.

 For either type of project follow the following guide lines:

1.  study/research your subject (take notes in your science journal)

2. write down everything you do related to your project in your science journal.

3.  plan your experiment:  materials, procedure, hypothesis

4.  conduct the experiment (record data/results, observations)

5.  analyze the data (observations/graphs/charts)

6.  results and  conclusion:  (results: what happened?  what did you find out?  conclusion: was your hypothesis correct?  why did you get those results?  why is that important? how does that relate to a bigger picture?  did anything go wrong?  what might have impacted your results?  what improvements might you make for next time?)

6.  share your findings:  create a science board display (this should included: title, introduction/purpose, background information(optional), hypothesis, materials, procedure, data, results, conclusion)

*Remember all of your notes planning and ideas should be in your science journal.  You might want to add photos, drawing or diagrams to help with your experiment.

Sample boards:

Monday, January 13, 2014

Plant vocuabulary

Plants and Energy Flow Vocabulary
1. vascular tissue - supports a plant and carries water and food throughout the plant
2. cellular respiration - the process by which cells use oxygen for breaking down sugar to release energy
3. xylem- carries water and nutrients from roots to other part of plants
4. fermentation- the process that releases energy from sugar in the absence of oxygen
5. chloroplasts - where food is made, contains chlorophyll
6. stomata - tiny pores on leaves, that allow carbon dioxide and oxygen to go in and out as the plant needs
7. chlorophyll – the green pigment that absorbs the light energy from the sun
8. phloem - carries food from the leaves to other parts of a plant
9. photosynthesis - the process that plants use to make food from sunlight, carbon dioxide, water and releases oxygen into the air
10. producer - organisms that convert light energy to chemical energy (phytoplankton, plants)
11. consumer- any organism that feeds on other plants or animals
12. decomposer -an organism that breaks down the substance of dead organisms. Mushrooms and bacteria are decomposers
13. food chain –a transfer of food energy from one organism to another
14. food web-a group of interlinked food chains

Monday- copy words and definitions on a separate page
Wednesday-draw pictures of or relating to at least 10 of your vocab words
Thursday- study