Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Welcome Back to School :)

2012-2013 school year

Dear 5th Grade Parents and Students,

I am looking forward to our 5th grade year together.  We will be covering some really interesting topics this year:  American history, Art History (looking at the Masters and using their work to inspire our own), cells, body systems, elements and compounds, the solar system, working with fractions, decimals, percentages and positive and negative numbers.  We will also be reading some great literature and writing a lot in writer’s workshop.

I will be going over the academic program and classroom procedures in greater detail at Back to School Night
on Thursday,  August 30th from 6-7pm. Until then here are some things you should know:

It is one of the best ways for you to stay informed.  Homework and larger assignments will be posted here. 

Each week students will be given a homework log for students to record their assignments.  This needs to be brought daily and kept in the front of their binder.

Students need to have at school:
-basic 3 ring binder (one that is easy to open and close is best… no need for fancy zippers and extra things)
-Homework folder (labeled)
-Math folder (labeled)
-Other folder(labeled)
-binder paper (in the back of the binder)
-pencil sharpener
-red and/or blue ball point pen
-supply container  (all desk supplies should be able to fit in it  ex. pencils, markers, scissors, glue etc)
Things that are useful for students to have at home:

-a quiet place to work

-binder paper

-dictionary  (using and online dictionary is also fine)
Classroom Wish List:

-gift card to palace arts
-water color paper
-chalk pastel
-hand sanitizer
-binder paper
-extra folders
-sculpy clay
-blank shrink-a-dink paper
-clorox wipes
-small things for “store” (cool erasers, small toys/games decorative mini-journals/notebooks, or other things you child might like as a prize).

Many Thanks and I cannot wait to see you on Monday,

Mrs.  Sara Thorington

I check my email often and it is a great way to communicate with me-

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