Monday, January 30, 2012

Vocabulary for James Forten (week of Jan 30th)

1. descent - ancestry, origin.

2. dexterity- skill in using the hands

3. tentative- uncertain; hesitant

4. languish- to be or become weak; to droop; to fade

5. dread – grim fear

6. abolitionists - a person who advocated or supported the abolition (or end) of slavery in the U.S.

7. influential – having influence over others; important

8. apprentice - someone who works for another person in order to learn a trade

9. conflict – a struggle; a war

10. enslavement – to make a slave; to control; to dominate.

11. encourage- to support; to inspire with courage or confidence

12. assist- to help

13. captives- prisoners

Monday- definitions

Tuesday- sentences or story showing that you understand the meaning of the words

Wednesday- crossword

Thursday- study for test on Friday

The following words are important to know for better understanding the story but will not be tested:

*grapeshop- a cluster of mall iron balls used as a cannon charge

*engaged: drawn into conflict or battle

*hold- the lower part of a hip

*yellow fever- a disease transmitted by mosquitoes; its symptoms include high fever and vomiting.

*privateer- ships that are privately owned but are encouraged by the government to attack enemy ships during a war

*tacking- changing directions while sailing

*provisions stocks of food and other supplies

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