Monday, January 30, 2012

Science fair reminders....

The Science Fair is drawing near….


Science Board


What is the purpose of your experiment? What is your test question?

Might also need to include any background information that was needed to understand the experiment.


What do you think will happen in your experiment.


(materials and methods step: 1, 2, 3 etc)

Title of Experiment

Visuals or something to liven your experiment… maybe photos or drawings

Might also want to include your graphs or data

Data/Results: (might also include charts and graphs)

Conclusion: Analyze what your results mean? what was learned/discovered? why did you get the results you did? If something went wrong, you can also discuss that in the conclusion


Should really be a rough draft of your board

entries should include:

-choosing project/research done

-gathering supplies

- setting up the experiment ( intro, hypothesis, procedure,

- what happened during the experiment (data/results,)

-if you had to watch your experiment over a time period you should record your data/observations

- why did you get those results? what was learned (conclusion)

* we will be presenting our boards in class on Friday (do not take them home until after you present them in class)

Vocabulary for James Forten (week of Jan 30th)

1. descent - ancestry, origin.

2. dexterity- skill in using the hands

3. tentative- uncertain; hesitant

4. languish- to be or become weak; to droop; to fade

5. dread – grim fear

6. abolitionists - a person who advocated or supported the abolition (or end) of slavery in the U.S.

7. influential – having influence over others; important

8. apprentice - someone who works for another person in order to learn a trade

9. conflict – a struggle; a war

10. enslavement – to make a slave; to control; to dominate.

11. encourage- to support; to inspire with courage or confidence

12. assist- to help

13. captives- prisoners

Monday- definitions

Tuesday- sentences or story showing that you understand the meaning of the words

Wednesday- crossword

Thursday- study for test on Friday

The following words are important to know for better understanding the story but will not be tested:

*grapeshop- a cluster of mall iron balls used as a cannon charge

*engaged: drawn into conflict or battle

*hold- the lower part of a hip

*yellow fever- a disease transmitted by mosquitoes; its symptoms include high fever and vomiting.

*privateer- ships that are privately owned but are encouraged by the government to attack enemy ships during a war

*tacking- changing directions while sailing

*provisions stocks of food and other supplies

Friday, January 27, 2012

George Washington and Mount Vernon Links:

We will be using these next week for an in class Assignment

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Vocab katie's trunk

Vocabulary from Katie’s Trunk and Social Studies Book

1. arming- to give weapons to

2. drilling – practicing (for battle)

3. fierce - violent, wild

4. just- honorable and fair

5. kin - people related by blood or marriage (family)

6. peered – to look at with intensity

7. rebels – people who resist authority (those people in the colonies who were against British rule)

8. skirmish - a small fight

9. skittish – nervous, jumpy

10. arms - weapons

11. green - a grassy area, often in the center of town

12. Tory -a person who was loyal to the British during the American Revolution (they were also called loyalists)

13. Whig- a person who was supportive of the American Revolution and wanted the American Colonies independent from England (they were also called rebels, revolutionaries and patriots)

14. dissent- to disagree with (often disagreeing with the majority)

15. consent - to agree with or approve

16. sedition- to encourage discontent or rebellion against a government

Monday, January 16, 2012

vocabulary for Paul Revere

cargo-the freight carried by a vehicle

colonies-territories governed by a parent country (also the name of the thirteen territories that became the original United states)

express -fast, direct

liberty-freedom from the control of others

oppose- to act against something or someone

Patriot -a person who loves and defends his/her country (a colonist who was against the British rule in the time of the Revolutionary War)

revolutionary -of or tending to promote radical political or social change

sentries -soldiers who stand at watch for danger or people without permission to pass

taxes - fees for the support of government required to be paid by people and businesses

militia- an army of citizens who are not professional soldiers

congregation -a group of people who regularly worship at a church

engraved -carved, cut or etched into a material

dispatched- sent off to a specific destination

overtake -to catch up with

succession -a sequence

Other Vocabulary to know… but will not be tested.

*bookplates- labels posted inside books that show the owner’s name

*porringers- shallow cups or bowls with handles

*ewers- large, wide-mouthed pitchers or jugs

*spurs- short spikes or sharp-toothed wheels attached to the heels of a rider’s boots and used to urge a horse forward

*petticoat- a skirt or slip worn by girls and women as undergarment

*volley- many shots fired at the same time

*green- a grassy area usually located at the center of a town or city

*lines- battle areas closest to the enemy

*foundry- a place where metals are cast and molded

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Science Fair Check-in and Proposal

Science Fair Check-in and Proposal

Name:___________________ Due Date: ______________

Where are you in the Science Fair Project Process?

(deciding on my idea, gathering supplies for the experiment, doing the experiment, analyzing data from the experiment, working on bulletin boards, completed project etc.)


How is it going? (How are you feeling about your choices, what are your next steps)


Project Title: ________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Purpose/Problem Statement:



Investigative topic/Question: (What I want to find out?):



Hypothesis (What I think the answer to my question will be):



Parent Signature: ___________________ Date: _________

Teacher Approval : __________________ Date: _________

Room 13 Update

January 11, 2012

Dear Room 13 Families,

I hope that you all enjoyed a wonderful winter vacation with your families. We had a great first half if the year. Thank you for all of the great support you gave with Colonial Days… it was really a fun and engaging way to wrap up our study of the 13 colonies. It could not have been possible with out the generous donations and parent participation. I am eager to get the 2nd half of the year under way… we have a lot of great field trips planned and interesting topics to explore. Please contact me if you would like to get more involved with volunteering in the classroom and there will also be driving opportunities on fieldtrips.

Look for your child’s corrected Unit 5 (ch. 10 and 11) Math test (from the Friday before break) in this week’s Thursday Folder. As always on tests, students have the option of correcting their tests to improve their grade. Mid-Trimester progress reports will be sent in next week’s Thursday folder.

A few reminders

*My Blog ( This is a great way to keep track of homework and important assignments.

*Library Day is Wednesday

*PE Days are Monday, Thursday, Friday

Field trips in the near future

1. Life Lab (@ UCSC) Monday 2/13/12 (look for permission slips with next week’s homework)

2. Symphony (@ Santa Cruz Civic Auditorium, we will be taking busses) Monday 2/27/12

(look for permission slips with next week’s homework)

3. NASA (@ Moffitt Field) Friday 3/23/12

Areas of Study

Math: We survived adding/subtracting and multiplying/dividing fractions and will be moving on to working with decimals.

Writing: Before break we finished working on Personal Narratives and we will be starting a fiction unit next week. We will continue to develop and build upon our essay writing skills throughout the year.

Social Studies: We have just finished up our study of the 13 colonies and will be moving on to the American Revolution and Slavery.

Science: Science Fair Projects are due Feb. 8th. By the end of this week, students should have a firm (and approved) idea of what they will be working on for their experiment! In class, we will begin our study of plants and nutrition and then a little later… the solar system.

Art: We have been working with the impressionist and expressionist art periods and will be soon getting into more modern art.

Wish List

*Binder Paper *Expo Markers *Chalk Pastels *Oil Pastels *Shrink-A-Dinks

Thank you so much for your continued support,

Mrs. Sara