Sunday, November 27, 2011

Sign of the Beaver Vocabulary week 2 Definitions

1. shrewd- intelligent, astute

2. pity- to feel compassion for; to be sorry for

3. envious- jealous, discontent, wanting what someone else has

4. chagrin- a feeling of disappointment or humiliation.

5. gravely- seriously, solemnly

6. halt - to stop, cease moving

7. placid- pleasantly calm or peaceful

8. frenzied- wildly excited or enthusiastic, frantic

9. grim- harsh, horrible, dreadful

10. awkward- lacking skill or dexterity; clumsy.

11. forfeit- to lose, to surrender,

12. wary- watchful, being on guard against danger.

13. defiance- a bold resistance to authority, going against something

14. *nonchalantly- casually, calmly

15. *boisterous- noisy, rowdy

Monday: Definitions

Tuesday: Sentences (all words)

Wednesday: Crossword

Thursday: Study

Friday: Test (definitions only)

Monday, November 21, 2011


Greetings Parents,

I hope that you will enjoy the Thanksgiving break with your families!
I am very thankful for our sweet class and for all of the hard work done by our wonderful Mara Vista Families!

Save the Date:
Colonial Day is almost here: Friday, December 16th 1:10-2:10
More info to come about this 5th grade event.

Book Orders:
There should have been 2 book orders sent out in the last couple of weeks. You can also order books online using our class code=J3QRG. I will be submitting all orders on Nov. 31st so that all of our books can arrive before winter break.

Wish List:
Binder paper :)
Dry erase markers :)

With Gratitude,

Mrs. Sara :)

Monday, November 14, 2011

Sign of the Beaver week 1

rueful- feeling sadness

venture-to take a risk, to dare

vague- not clear

sensible- having good sense or sound judgment

reckon- to think or suppose

wit-a form of intellectual humor, intelligence

pewter- a metal alloy (usually tin and lead)
despise- to feel annoyance or ill will, dislike

salvage- to rescue or save
loon- an aquatic bird
scarce-rare, not abundant
gradual- little by little
resent- to look down on with contempt
precious- having a high price or great value
delicious- very pleasing, delightful
conscious- aware, perceptive
*bonus* incomprehensible- impossible to understand

Monday, November 7, 2011

S.S. Chapter 4 vocabulary (intro to colonies)

colony- a land ruled by another country

plantations- large farms

slavery- the practice of holding people against their will and making them carry out orders

rawmaterial- a resource that can be used to make a product

stock- a share of ownership in a company

Jamestown- the first English settlement in the “new world” (in Virginia)

cashcrop- a crop that people grow to sell

indentured servant- a person who agreed to work for another person without pay for a certain length of time in exchange for passage to North America

represent- to speak for

established church- a church established and supported by the government

royal colony- a colony owned by a monarch

pilgrim -a person who makes a journey for religious reasons

frontier -lands beyond areas that were settled by colonists

industry- the businesses that make one kind of product or provide one kind of service

Middle Passage- the long journey slaves took across the Atlantic ocean from Africa to the English colonies.

exports- products sent to other countries

imports -products brought into the country (from other countries)