Sunday, March 13, 2011

O’neill Sea Odyssey Vocabulary (Ocean Science)

O’neill Sea Odyssey Vocabulary (Ocean Science)

1. CLARITY– Measurement of the amount of solids suspended in a liquid; how clear or cloudy a liquid is

2. ENERGY FLOW – The movement of energy from the sun through living organisms in a food web

3. LARVAE – The immature juvenile form of an animal

4. PHYTOPLANKTON – Plant plankton PLANKTON – Aquatic organisms that drift with the current or have limited swimming abilities

5. ZOOPLANKTON – Animal plankton ranging from microscopic larval sea stars to huge jellyfish

6. PRODUCER – Organisms that convert light energy to chemical energy (phytoplankton, plants)

7. CONSUMER – Any organism that feeds on other plants or animals

8. DECOMPOSER – An organism that breaks down the substance of dead organisms. Mushrooms and bacteria are decomposers

9. ORGANISM – All living things including people, animals, plants, bacteria and fungi

10. ADAPTATION– A distinct feature of an animal that allows it to survive more easily in its environment

11. CONSERVATION – The wise use of natural resources

12. DEGRADABLE – Materials that decompose by the action of bacteria

13. ACID RAIN – Rain that contains dissolved pollutants

14. SANCTUARY – A safe place of refuge and protection

15. ECOLOGY – The study of living things in relation to one another and their environment

16. ECOSYSTEM – An interacting community of animals and plants that depend upon each other and their environment for survival

17. FOOD CHAIN – A transfer of food energy from one organism to another

18. FOOD WEB – A group of interlinked food chains

19. HABITAT- The physical place where an organism

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