Friday, October 22, 2010

October 24 update and student spotlight

Greetings wonderful families,

I really enjoyed meeting with all of you during conference week. Our kids are so lucky to have such supportive parents at home. We are working on building organizational skills, independence and responsibility, but many students still need your support at home with this. We had a lot of work sent home this past week in the Thursday folder. Please remember that students can corrects tests to bring up their grade.

Last week we began "Student Spotlight" a fun and educational way for us to learn about each other and where we come from. This is meant as a learning opportunity for your child to find out a little bit more about their families heritage and experiences. It is also a time when they get to share about themselves. 2 students get to share every week.

Here the general outline (students were already given this about 3 weeks ago, I will be giving out extra copies to those students who turn is near).
Monday You may bring 1 something special from your younger years and 1 current thing to share with the class, that helps us learn more about you.
Tuesday Please share something special or interesting that your enjoy doing with your family (this could be a photo, a story etc)
Wednesday Research your family’s history. How did they end up living in California? What parts of the country or world did your family come from? How did they get here? What jobs did they do? Is there something interesting you learned about them or their journey? You may either fill in the chart to answer these questions or write a paragraph. Please be prepared to locate on map (with help) the places your family comes from.
Friday During your week you may bring a cultural dish to share or a favorite treat.
(Feel free to switch activities/days as needed)

The schedule is posted on the left side of the blog.

Many thank yous,
Mrs. Sara


Some classroom needs:

* I need a room parent! :) I promise I will be easy to work with and we can work together co-plan things. We can also have co-room parents please let me know if you are interested.

* Binder paper

* Red correcting pens

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