Students Will Recieve on Monday......
Name _____________________
5th Grade Famous
(Mostly) American Biography
Your Biography will
be written about ________________
FINAL Due Date: 12/19/13
Line for Project:
Decide on Person (think of top 5
preferences from the list)
11/14- 11/27
Gather Research Items (3 sources minimum) Due in Class no later the 27th
11/26-11/30 Work Time in Class (Take notes on from
resources, do research)
12/3- 12/7 Work Time in Class (Work on biography
by 12/19 artistic
demonstration/presentation is due
*complete all other parts
of the project at home that you are unable to complete in class
PROJECT IS DUE December 19, 2012
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You will need to use at least 1 NON FICTION Library Book (class, school, public) and at least 2 of the following resources to obtain
your information:
*Internet (reputable
websites-see links on my blog)
*Social Studies Textbook
Report Contents
label each section of your report)
I: Title Page:
*Name of Famous Person
*The time period they were alive (date of birth-date
of death)
*Your name
II: Contents Page
“Contents”, lists sections and the page numbers they begin on
III : I Come From Poem:
*Write an “I am Poem”
from the perspective of your famous person.
See hand out for
IV: Two Page Biographical Article: (handwritten or typed 5 paragraph
* Introduction
*Family history (when and where they were born,
what their childhood was like, interests they had growing up, any important
information about their family or any hardships they had to overcome)
*Why, how, when and where they became famous. What should we remember this person for? What was the result of their
actions/work? Why are the
important? How did they make a
*Is there any interesting information we should
know about your person?
*How/when did they die? Are there any memorials, celebrations
honoring them?
* Conclusion
V: Visuals
*Please include a photograph, drawing or painting
of your famous person and an image related to why they are famous.
*You may include additional maps, guides, inserts,
drawings or pictures that relate to your famous person and his/her life for
Extra Credit. Please Label this section
Extra Credit.
VI: Bibliography
List (alphabetically by author) all resources used
for your research. (MLA)
Sample Bibliography
"Abraham Lincoln." New Encyclopaedia Britannica.
1997 ed.
Cross, Charles R. Room Full of Mirrors: A Biography of
Jimi Hendrix. New York: Hyperion,
Harcourt School Publishers.
Reflections: The United
States: Making a New Nation.
Orlando, FL.: Harcourt, Inc. 2007
Thomas, Cathy and Tim Padgett. "Our First
President." Time 19 Sept. 2005: 28-33.
VII: Presentation/Artistic Demonstration
Choose from the following or create your own 3-5
minute presentation to express your understanding of your person and their
accomplishments. Be creative and try to
have some fun with this area.
are some ideas that you might want to include :
in mind your presentation must include all requirements listed in the
presentation rubric)
model diorama skit/mini
poem rap
or song video interview
food to share trivia/board
game TV/radio broadcast comic
power point other: discuss with teacher