Thursday, January 20, 2011

Jan. 20, 2011

Hello Room 13 parents,

I am seeing a lot of exciting growth as we reach the halfway mark of 5th grade. I am also excited to have some exciting up-coming field trip opportunities for our class in the 2nd and 3rd trimesters.

In this weeks Thursday folder you will find your child’s progress report for the second trimester.

If your child turned any late work in this week, it most likely was not recorded for this progress report. This is meant for your child to see what assignments are currently missing and what they need to work on to improve their grade.

Again, the two major reasons students are likely getting a poor grade is that they are not turning in their work or not putting their names on their papers (and are thus not receiving credit for the work they are doing).

Many students are not doing their vocabulary homework. As a result, several students continue to do poorly on the vocabulary tests. This also impacts their ability to understand weekly class readings. I do not assign a large amount of homework and I expect students to devote an adequate amount of time each day to learn the weekly vocabulary words, which are often quite challenging.

Please keeping mind that in social studies, science and writing journals will also make up a considerable part of student’s grades in those respective subjects. Another thing to keep in mind, is that there were not very many graded writing and science assignments on this progress report, so if an assignment was missed, it drastically impacted your child’s grade. Science fair projects will also account for a large part of student’s science grades. AR goals are 15% of reading grade!

What you can do to support your child’s school success:

*make up missing work (most of it, especially important/big point items)

*check-in with your child about their homework (and help them study for their vocab. tests if they have been struggling)

*check my blog for updates about classroom and assignments (

*ask them about their AR goal (you can also get regular updates by signing up for home-connect on the Mar Vista website:

*you may request a second, mid-February progress report for your child (please let me know if you would like one know by Feb. 11th)

*feel free to call or email me with questions or concerns

Math Notes:

We spent a lot of time on adding, subtracting, multiplying and dividing fractions this trimester. This was a difficult set of chapters for many students. I saw a lot of exciting progress for most students on the retake unit 5 test.

I am still having many students coming to class unprepared. Not having pencils or correcting pens or even binder paper! Please make sure your child has binder paper in their math folder everyday!!! One side of the folder should have blank binder paper. The other side should have their classwork and homework beneath their assignment log. We are returning to the old system of keeping all of our work until the day of the test.

What you can do to support your child’s math success:

*continue to practice math facts (x and ÷)

*help your child organize their math folder and come to class prepared

*help them correct old tests

Important Dates to Remember:

Jan. 28th= cereal book report due

Feb. 9th = science fair projects due

Feb. 10th=science fair parent night 6-7

Feb. 14th= Lincoln’s B-day holiday (no school)

Mar. 1st= Trimester 2 ends

*a side note…. if you might be interested in driving on a future fieldtrip, please make sure that your info is on file with the office. Some of our trips that we will need drivers for will be: 2/25 life lab (permission slip out next week), 3/16 O’neill Sea Odyssey, 5/10 NASA.

Thank you for your continued support and dedication to your child's learning!

:) Ms. Sara

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

January 12, 2011

Dear Parents and Students,

I bid you a very happy 2011! I hope you all enjoyed winter vacation. A reminder that today Wednesday, Jan. 12th is not a restructured day... we get out of school at 2:05!

Look for progress reports in next week’s Thursday folder ( January 20th). The second trimester ends on March 1st. Please be sure to check-in with your child about how they are progressing toward their AR goal (signing up for home connect is a great way to get feedback and up to date information about your child's progress).

Homework this week is just reading nightly, turning in the Amazing Grace movie permission slip, turning in the symphony permission slip (and $5), and any math assignments… unless you have the following unfinished/unturned in work to do:

*Social Studies Book p. 199 read and answer ?s (this was done in class before break)

*Winter Wishes essay (this was assigned and due 12/23)

Please write a 5 paragraph essay about 3 wishes you have. At least one of these wishes has to be non-selfish.

Remember you need:

1. An Introduction Paragraph

Your introduction should include some background information about what you will be discussing in your essay. You could share information about wishes, why people make wishes or maybe something related to your wishes. You introduction also needs a topic statement that clearly states what your essay will be about.

2. Three Body Paragraphs (one for each wish)

Each paragraph should describe what your wish is in great detail? Why did you choose that wish? What would be the results of it coming true? Why is it important/how would it make a difference or help people?

3. A Conclusion

This is the ending for your essay. You do not need to restate your wishes. Instead, this is a chance to give some final thoughts about your specific wishes or wishes in general. This is your chance to leave a lasting impression. It should be thoughtful, reflective and interesting.

*Science Packet Parent and Student Signature Sheet:

other reminders:

*cereal box book report due Friday January 28th

*science fair projects are due Feb 9th – please see my blog if you still need ideas, you should be starting to research your topic/idea now and beginning your project soon!

Thank you,

Mrs. Sara